“Even though the clients I am working with have very diverse backgrounds, there is a deep sense to know yourself, a certain intention and desire to want to see the truth inside yourself and your own interior landscape. It is a desire to be honest with yourself, to be objective of yourself. And also to be objective about the truth you see. It is a very non-judgmental place which allows us to see more clearly. It is from that place that you become available for others to seek and know the truth within themselves too. We all have experienced the presence of these people. There is something that we all easily recognize in others who know themselves deeply, who are able to be aware of and make conscious choices about their behaviors in every moment. We distinguish that, we see it intuitively. So leadership is really about an inner discipline and practice. And if there is something running through all the leaders that I have worked with, then it is that they all seek that inner discipline and practice in everything they do. My job as a coach, then, is hold the space for them to create that presence for themselves in their own life.” – Amy Davis-Bruner
Listen and enjoy!
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